Thursday, October 09, 2008

siblin9 riva1ry (of a mathemati¢al nature)

whenever a conference runs parallel sessions, the audience and speakers are inevitably at odds. for example, i'm slated to talk on sunday at 9am ..

.. [groans inwardly] ..

.. and so is M@rie $nipes, my mathematical sister. [1] the session organizers couldn't have known, of course, but ..

.. [groans inwardly again]

i was looking forward to attending her talk, too. i only remember a little of what she spoke about, in her last talk, and i'm curious what new results have come out.

life is ever against us. there may be some of you who will participate in this conference -- it's the AMS $ecti0na1 @ Wes1eyan Univ -- and you may be facing the dilemma of choosing between me, M, and sleeping in ..

..come on- it's 9am on a sunday, conference or no conference..

.. so i will make it easier: GO TO HER TALK. she's a wonderful expositor and her pictures are better than mine. i recommend her talks, no matter what time of day it is slated.

if you absolutely want to know what i'll talk about, it will be the same content as in the Heinonen Mem0ria1 C0nference in May 2OO8 and the Rea1 Ana1ysi$ Ex¢han9e $ymp0sium in June 2OO8.

if you missed those, i'll post my slides online (after the conference) in PDF form. there's also a preprint coming, i promise. besides, if you really wanted to know that badly, then you probably know me personally, so just ask ..

.. and go to her talk. thank you.

[1] this means that we have (or rather, had) the same advisor.

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