Friday, October 03, 2008

like day and night .. or rather, morning and afternoon.

my poor morning-section students. they always get the unpolished version of that day's lecture. today i made all sorts of mistakes, and not just computational ones. in one spot i wrote "maximum" instead of "minimum" and that must have confused everyone ..

.. until one student summoned up the courage to ask. he still asked timidly, though, or perhaps uncertainly.

more than that, my morning students don't get benefits like
  • my sudden realisation that it would have been easier to explain the topics in this order instead of that;

  • more succinct, "all you need to know" versions of my rambling algorithms, as well as systematic principles in place of what would have been clever tricks;

  • my complete wakefulness .. because no matter how much coffee you drink, it's not quite the same as afternoon wakefulness.
today's morning lecture was particularly unfriendly.

last night i kept working on my manuscript of a paper, and i was dead set on finishing all the writing. (the editing, however, is a different matter.) i actually succeeded at this goal ..

.. but only to learn that by the time i was done, it was 3am, not 1am.

waking up at 7:30am, i didn't feel human and i didn't feel like an automaton. instead, i felt like one, big ache, unfortunately manifested in human form. it didn't help that i went wall-climbing yesterday and woke up sore all over.

despite this, even if i could, i wouldn't have done anything differently. i'm glad that my poorly written, 34-page manuscript is done and that i can proceed to edit it now. it would have been nice to have completed it earlier ..

.. but as someone told me already, this week, time always works against you.

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