imagine: that many mathematicians concentrated over 1-2 city blocks. think of all the coffee consumed!
on a related note, i did the paranoid thing and packed 3 days' worth of good coffee grounds in my carry-on luggage (along with standard-sized filters).the trip was productive:
janus:1, hotel:0 .. (-;
as it happens, my planning was pointless: the in-room coffeemaker brewed one cup at a time and the filters didn't fit. in fact, the coffeemaker brews only those sealed paper filters ..
janus:1, hotel:1 .. ):
but the hotel room provided two such filters, and if you cram them enough, both of them will fit.
the result: 1 good, strong cup of coffee.
janus:2, hotel:1 .. q-:
- the interviews weren't complete disasters (more on them, later),
- i saw many, many friends from graduate school and various past conferences,
- i met an old friend, waxed mathematical,
- lastly, i started refereeing a paper.
reciprically, some stores seemed receptive to mathematicians!
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