Friday, September 24, 2010

day's labours.

so as a favor to a fellow postdoc, today i covered two of his lectures. then there were two of my own, as well.

it was exhausting.

maybe it's just a schedule that takes time to adjust, but i think about the lecturers and instructors out there. they have my respect: i don't know how they have the energy to be on their feet, walking back and forth, explaining, computing, explaining, erasing, computing, drawing .. [1]

in the last lecture (my friend's) i started making errors of all sorts. happily some of the students were good at hinting them: not bad for a 4pm friday audience.

it makes me pause, though. there are jobs out there for next year, as advertised on mathjοbs, with that kind of regular teaching load. is that the kind of job i want? i don't know what my calling is, but it's not purely teaching.

so what happens if i don't get a position involving some research ..?

i don't feel like getting up from this chair, but there's still work to do. i'm hungry, too.

[1] it's not manual labor, of course. its' been a long day, i missed lunch, this weekend will be nothing but editing that NSF grant application, and i'm tired.

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