Thursday, April 03, 2008

the grass is ALWAYS greener.

i don't know what it is about writing which makes it so difficult for me.

maybe i have some sort of abstract "attention deficit disorder" or suffer from constant mental wanderlust. maybe i'm utterly susceptible to self-reverse psychology!

late last night, i thought to write down something, anything that i could later throw out or edit into something to add to an introduction.

i was thinking through one sentence and one particular issue -- whether or not to discuss how our proofs are limited by our tools and what is currently known -- and then it occurred to me ..

.. wait. is that really a limitation?
what if you do something like this ..?

.. so i embarked on another research idea.

as usual, it lasted long enough that there might be some promise to the idea. however, there's no time and i'm not yet clever enough to resolve the issue.

maybe this is what it means to be a "grown-up" -- being confronted with choices, one chooses the responsible option and governs one's impulses in order to be purposeful.

at any rate, enough: i must write an introduction now. i have deadlines.

i should also stop blogging so often. as much as i like to rant, there is work to do!


Hypothetical Engineer said...

My adviser recently told me that part of becoming a researcher was learning to write down descriptions of ideas in an idea book so that you can come back to them later, then getting back to the topic at hand. A single fully completed research question is better than 30 that are each half completed. Now following this advice is rather hard in my opinion bit I'm improving.

As to how I came here, I believe I found the link through another mathematics blog, either the unapologetic mathematician or gooseania or possibly just searching for mathematics blogs. In anycase, good luck.

janus said...

i have heard of "idea books" before, and i used to keep one, then another one, and then another. unfortunately, they always became workbooks.

i agree with your point, too, about how difficult it is to follow through on something. in fact, i failed to do so today.

lastly, glad you came to visit this blog. if you need it, good luck on your end of things.

Hypothetical Engineer said...

I find most of what's written on here pretty interesting, if nothing else as a way to realize other people have it just as bad as me. I'm still at the easy part too, I'm doing a simultaneous masters in mathematics with a masters in electrical engineering, complete with 2 thesis and everything. Sometimes I doubt doing both was my smartest idea...

janus said...

I'm still at the easy part too, I'm doing a simultaneous masters in mathematics with a masters in electrical engineering

that hardly sounds easy. \:
good luck with it, though! (: