Sunday, April 13, 2008

between thesis and book; more meta-blogging.

it's happening again.

as i read my thesis, each theorem sounds all right, but for some of them i wonder if something more general or stronger is true. the thesis is still intact and i won't do any major overhaul, but it's tempting ..

this morning and now, among other errands i've been leafing through weaver's book, called lipschitz algebras. i'm thinking about how things fit together and what i could add to his picture.

on an unrelated note, about books:

i have already planned that as a postdoc, i'll wait until my second paycheck before buying books that i've been meaning to acquire. i think mattila's book will be one of them, probably weaver's, and probably a gromov book. i don't know about evans and gariepy, but it's tempting.

then again, that one is expensive -- good, but expensive, and nobody is willing to part with his/her copy without good reason. it is perpetually checked out of our library.

also, i realise that some of you have lately arrived here from google search, partly because of my unintentional "name dropping." occasionally i list preprints or results of others that i find interesting, and that must cause some annoyance for you. sorry!

i won't say which google searches, though. my last blog post about google searches backfired, and now this blog is firmly entrenched among those hits. like many, i flatter easily and i appreciate new readers. first and foremost, however, this is my personal page of academic rants.

i wouldn't know what to do with myself if this blog became "cool." i'd probably stop saying interesting things.

if you're really that curious and want to know, then look at my surveillance data here and on the left side bar, click on "how do visitors come to my site."

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