Monday, August 25, 2008

briefly: a first 1ecture in ca1¢ulus.

this semester i'm teaching two sections of multivariab1e ca1¢ulus, and today i couldn't find my second lecture room. i asked one room twice and i think they thought i was a dolt.

another room initially had clean writing on the board and an instructor-ish person was standing near the lectern. when i checked later, the board was erased and the instructor-ish person was gone.

i asked: "is this a calcu1us iii course?"
many said yes.

i looked at my cell phone, as my watch died on me, a week or two ago: it was one minute into the next class period.

close enough. so i set my bag down, took out the textbook and my lecture notes, and started writing on the board. admittedly, i wasn't sure that it really was the right room, but to my credit, no other instructor ever showed up ..

.. then again, would you enter a classroom,
if someone else was teaching in it,
and there was a full class also there, taking notes?

more about the first day of teaching tomorrow. i feel dead on my feet, after today .. and curses: i didn't get any research done!

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