Tuesday, August 05, 2008

after a hiatus of moving (& parents) ..

my state of things:

i'm done with moving my material possessions. my parents helped, which means that all maths and blogging have stopped in the last week. [0]

i've still no university ID,
still no printing access,
but my login works.

i can blog but i still have to pay for the city bus,
in order to arrive here and write in this blog.

my new laptop (read: toy) ships tomorrow, i think.

i feel like a half-person, and i don't feel like a mathematician.

it's been weeks since i last LaTeXed and more additional weeks since i thought about new research. there's this idea i remember from a month ago, but that's just memory.

i don't know if the idea will work.

there's no reason why it would, other than it addresses a concept from ge0metric mea$ure the0ry and a concept slightly afield from analysis on metric spaces. it's a "throw spaghetti and sauce at the wall and see if any of it sticks (and tastes good)" sort of idea, a gamble.

it's the type of idea that you'd try if you've stopped being creative and need to try something, because you otherwise feel like a worthless human being.

it seems that i've been getting more hits on this blog lately, due to that one post about the "m@thj0bs rum0r w!ki" of 2OO7. it's either that, or someone's been having a "case of the mondays" yesterday.

so: if you are one of those waylaid souls seeking job advice though bl0gs or g00gle search, then sorry: i was just as confused as (if not more than) you are about what makes a good maths postdoc job application.

i still am.

however, if you want to learn vicariously what NOT to do, then read some of my past entries. i've made enough mistakes that someone should learn from them.

EDIT: apparently, similar things happen over at Reasonable Deviations. here is a list of searches which give them hits: [link]

on an unrelated note: today i had approximately chinese food [1] and received this fortune cookie:

a smile is a curve that can
get a lot of things straight.

cute, that. then again not all smiles are non-straight, so the meaning isn't terribly rigorous in its wordplay.

i'm splitting hairs, though: it's what happens when i haven't done any math in a while and lack mental stimulation.

[0] so in case you were wondering, that was why this blog has so recently been silent.

[1] it was at a "pan-asian" eatery. the food was mainstream enough for the uninitiated american palate, but authentic enough for ethnic asians.

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