Monday, November 09, 2009

remembering what i am.

lately i haven't felt like a research postdoc,
more like a teacher. that worries me.

i respect teachers, but i am not a teacher.
it means that i'm not doing my job as a researcher,
not doing it well.

even when thinking of blog posts, i think of writing about teaching. that irritates me. i'd rather be unable to prove something and write about that.

maybe i'm just tired,
tired from a day of review classes for wednesday's midterm.

i'd rather be tired after giving talk 2 in the seminar,
tired after trying everything i could, to prove this one theorem ..

.. anyways, enough; i'm going to work.

if i want to prove that my job is not teaching,
then there's a clear strategy: there's research to do and writing to do ..

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