Friday, October 05, 2007

careful hope.

the conspiracy makes more sense now, though not complete sense. maybe i should say that there's hope.

it's been a frustrating few days. it finally feels like i'm done with "fixing an old error" [1] and rehashing old things, polishing them into good definitions and valid techniques in proofs. this stuff is in the same direction, but it feels new.

i don't know its shape yet, what form it will take. i suppose, and i toy with some nascent ideas of others, see how they fit together.

it's a familiar sort of frustration, but one i haven't felt in a long time. i mean the frustration of creativity and trying new ideas from old.

i don't think i'm making sense, but i'm feeling better. i think there's hope, and what's more, i'm willing to hope.

[1] actually, i never really fixed it in the literal sense. i acknowledged it, threw away what i thought was true, and kept the corollaries by using other techniques. in short, the ship sunk, i cannibalized the hull and cargoes, made a little raft, and found another ship ..

.. sailing for parts unknown, but interesting.

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