Thursday, August 09, 2007

writing, in longhand, against the clock.

i am finally being somewhat responsible. i'm writing a talk for next week .. although the flight there is tomorrow, and i should have done this earlier.

then again, it's a 20-minute talk; i'll barely have time to introduce the basic notions properly. also, more intelligent and important people will also be talking at the same time ..

(contributed talks are in parallel sessions)

.. so it's a gamble:
will i really have an audience?

it is no matter: the honorable thing is to prepare well and give a good presentation, regardless of audience.

i don't trust LaTeX for first drafts of talks.

the format is too slick, and every time i've drafted in LaTeX first, i run absurdly overtime.

so i'm writing a brief first draft, in longhand. it will tell me how long it takes to explain something, and i might actually plan my time well, for once.

also: pencils are very useful for this sort of thing. they provide the "Delete / Copy / Cut / Paste" options that are so tempting on LaTeX, and on computers in general!

the problem: i'm rapidly using up the paltry eraser on these mechanical pencils. i wonder if the manufacturers accounted for this, in order to force demand their way?

anyways, enough blogging.
there is plenty of writing to do!

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