Wednesday, July 23, 2008

sneaking out, reading maths.

  1. i should really be cleaning out my last belongings from my office.

  2. i should be LaTeXing, so that i can have a complete (first) draft of an article, in case friends are willing to read and to critique it.

  3. i should be reading certain papers and thinking about certain problems, because .. well, i promised some colleagues that i would.
however, i have only done one of the above things lately. i must say: dust collects in the office.

as for things that are not pending, yesterday afternoon i sat down and read some work of @l6erti et al. this concerns a notion of "di$tributi0nal jac06ian" as given by a magical formula:

the idea is that one can compute formally the jac06ian of a map between euclidean spaces to be an exact differential form, when the map is sufficiently smooth. then one runs with the idea and works with the theory of di$tributi0ns, in order for things to make sense.

i want to say more about this -- nothing expert, of course, because this is not my area -- but why i think this stuff is cool. among my reasons are how it relates to some other ideas that colleagues of mine (in n0nlinear el@$ticity and the ca1culu$ of v@riati0ns) have been kicking around, and how this relates to ge0metric mea$sure theory and n0rmal curr3nts.

anyways, i'll leave it at that. there are three types of things that i should be doing instead of blogging and reading "new" mathematics, after all!

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