Friday, July 04, 2008

celebrating 4th of July with a brand-name, laziness, and a little LaTeX

sometimes starbucks is rather convenient. for one thing, brewed coffee refills are $.50 + tax, which is kept hush-hush, of course.

also, there is no FREE internet. t-mobile is a partner of starbucks, so if you want to pay a fee analogous to that in an airport, then you can have the web for a little while.

then again, it's amazing how much you can get done, when you DON'T have the web at your fingertips. hence, the convenience: i was able to work reasonably efficiently, for an hour or two.

today is an american holiday, so i'm not enacting my "1pm to 4pm" rule. still, in LaTeX i've changed a few paragraphs here and there, added a few lemmas to the LaTeX, but none of it is serious work.

soon i will have to be serious, if i really want to finish this paper and to publish it. i suppose that i still have some growing up to do.


Anonymous said...

I assume you don't have a Starbucks card? If you do, refills of brewed coffee drop from 50 cents to free... and you get two hours of free internet each day!

janus said...


i'm already juggling a few credit cards (as signups for other vices), but that is tempting ..