Monday, May 26, 2008

thoughts of holiday, some mathematical.

i made a list of plans, after i submit this thesis. here are some of the mathematically-related items.

0. take a few days off, maybe a week;
(but that doesn't really count as something "to do," per se)

3. think casually about a research problem that my sister told me;
(mathematical sister, not biological)

4. read the mathematical work of my peers,
and the work of those i wish to follow.

i should elaborate on the last item and some sentiments i've recently expressed. first of all, i'm not sick of mathematics. in fact, after these last two conferences, there are some ideas that i'm really excited about ..

.. well, excited insofar as i have moments to really ponder them. the thesis is still heavy on my mind ..

but i am just sick of my own thesis. it would be nice to look at some mathematics that i didn't write (read: ruin with my gaffes and bad habits).

this is probably excessive to say, but i need to stop my own work for a while and remember why mathematics is worth pursuing.

in my own works, all i see are my errors and my shortcomings. there is some good in those results, but i cannot appreciate them now.

it's been a long year.

next fall term i'll begin a new life in a not-so-new but very cool place. if i've noted anything lately, "new" may mean 'good,' but it often means 'complicated.'

so i suspect that the forthcoming years will be good, but also long. it will be a new journey. maybe this is a good time to take a short rest, and remember why i chose to take that journey ..

.. after all, i'd rather not be complaining, every step of the way!

** on an unrelated note: this is post #401 on this blog. i guess it's been that long since i've begun.

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