Saturday, February 02, 2008

jοbs and rumοrs (or, the wιki)

when i was applying for jοbs, i would check the AMS jοbs website and mathj0bs several times a day.

i still look in, every day or every other day. every so often, a new jοb appears.

the new obsession, of course, is the the math jοbs rumοr mill (wikι).

firstly, congratulations to all my friends who are listed there, at some stage of success or another. i hope you get your offers, if they have not yet been decided.

with that said, i'll move on to a soliloquy.

i don't know how i feel about it, but i can say that it's informative.

by this i mean that if you see that one particular school has made its offers and you haven't gotten one, then .. drat, oh well. at least i know now, for certain [1], and can plan accordingly.

it is also convenient to know whom to blame if you don't get an offer, that is, who did an offer when you didn't, etc.

of course, this is all from the perspective of the unlucky ones.

to have posted or updated that one has received an offer or shortlist: i realise that it's not being boastful.

it's simply information, plain and true [1], and the more information there is, the more effectively other people can adjust their own plans.

on the other hand, if i were given an offer then i don't know if i would be comfortable putting my name out there. perhaps there is already an option to indicate that yes, a school has made offers already; if you haven't gotten one, sorry.

that's enough information to benefit the public and without exposing your hand, right? after all, if people really want to know who has gotten which offer, then i'm sure that they could find out somehow.

[1] that is, if you trust the rumors. i suspect the most of the updates are made by the same candidates who have been given offers or shortlisted, and are trustworthy data.


Anonymous said...

On the jobs blogs/wikis in my field, people who don't want to reveal their names will write "offer extended" but won't list to whom.

Leonid said...

The wiki is not as informative in the postdoctoral part as in the tenure-track part, probably because the postdoctoral hiring process is less protracted.

Don't despair if you see that a school made offers and you have not received one. In sports terms, this merely means that you are not drafted in the first round. Many, if not most, of first-round postdoctoral offers are declined, and another round ensues.

janus said...

to leanne: great! so there is such an option .. that is, if i were so lucky to have an official offer.

to leonid: cheers, and by the way, congrats on making the short list(s). also, no worries -- there are plenty of other things about which to despair. q: \: