Wednesday, December 26, 2007

mathematics, jobs, research meetings, and holidays.

in retrospect, perhaps i should have attended the AMS joint meetings this year, after all. (so L, if you're reading this: yes, you were right.)

a few schools (those with tenure-track openings) have written me to ask if i will go, which i will not. the question is:

are meetings and interviews there really not mandatory?

and then, the deeper question follows, which i have been consistently avoiding:

where do i want to go?

as for my usual response,

it's a dangerous thing to want something.

on the plus side, my third letter of recommendation appeared on mathjobs today. (:

but to add to the minus side, i haven't gotten back to thesis-writing yet, though i'm still on holiday and visiting family. i promised a postdoc friend i'd talk math with him on friday, so at least that should keep me honest; his questions will further keep me on my toes!

i did think about a little mathematics, today: one of my old lines of argument. i don't believe that it's wrong, but when does anyone truly believe that they are wrong?


Unknown said...

I don't know what search committees think of meetings at JMM. Perhaps the candidates that make good impression are bumped up on their list, and those that make bad impression are bumped down. Anyway, there is no point in worrying about the things that are not under your control. You are not going, and they will do what they are going to do.

BTW, I now regret staying for the full four days. Two or 2.5 days would be enough to meet everybody, and I would have some time to prepare for my first class on the 14th.

janus said...

BTW, I now regret staying for the full four days.

you mean, for fun? if so, i could have recommended ..

1. a baseball game; the stadium is rather close to downtown, actually.

2. there is a coffeehouse i like, there, called java jones..

(google: "java jones" "san diego" and you will obtain a map)

it's spacious and there are pleasant couches: a good place to unwind or to do math .. or both, if it's been more interview talk than math research talk.

Unknown said...

It's not like I will not have anything to do; it's more that I will not be able to do certain things that require me to be in College Station. Oh well. San Diego does look like a nice place.