Friday, November 23, 2007

back on the job, and typing problems.

i thought about taking the day off today .. but there are too many cover letters left. if i push it, maybe i can finish them ALL by end of thanksgiving weekend ..

.. and maybe, just maybe, i can be a mathematician again.

on an unrelated noted, today is a very annoying day for typing, because
  1. my left pinky finger has a cracked nail, after a basketball game. to be honest, i can't remember how i injured it; it was only after the game that i noticed that it was bleeding and the nail jutted out at a slight angle.

    recall: on a QWERTY keyboard, the pinky does the a's, so the band-aid is messing up my usual typing flow.

  2. there's a cut on my right pointer finger, exactly at the spot which presses buttons. a turkey rib bone jabbed back as i was preparing the turkey for roasting, yesterday.

    that finger hits the keys: u, y, h, j, n, and m, which is enough to be annoying. what's really annoying, though, is trying to move the mouse pointer on the touchpad, when the d@mned band-aid gets in the way of touch sensitivity!
it should make for an interesting day of typing cover letters .. \:

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