Saturday, November 18, 2006

to be 'educated'

i actually wrote this as a footnote on another blog post, but i think it stands on its own:

to some, being 'cultured' or 'educated' means being well-read in literature, being able to talk philosophy and politik and human nature, being able to appreciate classical music and fine art.

my demands on being 'educated' include those and more. why ignore our techie side? for example, an 'educated' person should be able
  1. to appreciate why the harmonic series Σn n-1 diverges,

  2. to appreciate the classical proof of why there are infinitely many prime numbers.
that doesn't mean i ask such persons to prove these results. i just ask that they be listeners without glazed eyes. if we should see beauty in symphonies and in baroque art, we should also see beauty in geometry and in number.

less demandingly, i would ask that an 'educated' person be able to build a simple webpage.

it would also be fair to ask that such persons know a little science, but then i risk not being an educated person! q:

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