Wednesday, May 17, 2006

the five-second version ..

most grad students understand that very few people in this world actually care about their research. so as a survival skill, we often learn to summarize our years' work into "the 10-minute version."

i think i can both (1) reduce the time to five seconds (no, seriously!) and (2) make it sound alarmingly comprehensible and elementary; the second condition isn't so alarming, come to think of it. as all mathematicians know, upon solving a problem, it immediately becomes obvious.


the 5-second version: i study second derivatives.


Anonymous said...

Don't tell my mother I'm doing ...; she thinks I'm doing algebraic geometry.

from MR1754768 (2001d:00002)

Anonymous said...

For the non math inclined: I study changes in the rate of change.

For the practical people: I study acceleration.

I have to get back to work. You know, parallel parking my car on Mars.