Tuesday, February 14, 2006

lull in the storm.

i should say first that i have no well-defined measurement for what constitutes a 'good maths day.' despite the sappy malevolence of the holiday, today was nonetheless a good maths day.

my ideas seemed to have good flow, and i wrote well; it might be a little strange to say the latter bit, but anyone out there who's had to write up several proofs for a problem set will likely understand that usual conflict of ideas and written words. there seemed little or none of that, today.

progress was going so well that i completed a full thought, which in this case meant three pages of condensed work. i thought it wise to leave the office and the coffeehouses, not to do any more thesis work or try doing any of my side research. instead, i left to lift weights, heard a good seminar talk, and committed to some light reading at Borders Books and Music for an hour or two before heading back home.

there must have been other things in between, but i forget them, and they are not worth remembering.

i think i'm finally close to finishing this step in my research.

if my work is correct (which i'll spend tomorrow night checking, inevitably) then there are two last things to solve, and one of them should be sufficiently general that i can likely look it up.

it might be over, soon enough; then i can jump back into that frustration called the unknown, and scramble to find new results. i like to think of it as fighting the good fight. q:

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