Thursday, November 10, 2005

after much objection ..

I will write down carefully the David-Jones Theorem, directly from the Mattila text. So here it is:

For any positive integers m and n and ε > 0, there exists an integer N(ε) such that if Q is the unit cube in Rn, m ≥ n, and if f : Q → Rm with Lip(f) = 1, then there are B1, ..., BN in Q, N ≥ N(&epsilon), such that
Hn[f(Q \ (B1 u ... u BN)] < ε
and each f|Bi is bi-Lipschitz with Lip((f|Bi)-1) ≤ N(ε).

Sorry for the confusion and errata, guys. Let me think once or twice before I comment on this theorem again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

consider these two posts as practice for your exams. :)