Wednesday, July 04, 2012

another conference, day 3: mostly photos.

being a conference of close to 1000 participants, i was expecting every square centimeter of the host building to be occupied .. but i was pleasantly wrong.

in particular, the fourth floor is almost always empty, even though you can hear the remaining three floors quite well (and in fact, observe the crowds from a height).

when i think about it, though, it makes sense: no coffee is served on the fourth floor! (-:
on a more serious note: despite encountering old friends and making new acquaintances here, i'm getting a little tired of people. there's not a lot of solitude made convenient to conference participants .. at least, not without heading far away from the conference venue.

then again, the whole point of a conference is to meet up and talk with colleagues, whether it's discussing research or simply sharing information or experiences about the life of working mathematicians! so i guess i've just not gotten into the conference mood yet ..

.. and knowing my luck, by the time that i will, the conference will be over .. \-:
lastly, a few photos from the book display center: among other things, apparently elsevier is trying to restore its good name.

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