Thursday, January 10, 2008

knee deep in functional analysis.

you know, i never thought that i'd ever use the weak operator topology, much less in the case of non-Hilbert Banach spaces. i guess i never imagined myself as that sort of analyst.

also, i never expected weak-* compactness to be this useful.

on an unrelated note, the first hit for "weak operator topology" on Google is a link to the wikipedia entry.


Unknown said...

Wikipedia articles are the first hit for a lot of mathematical terms. Far more than Mathworld (which apparently does not have the resources to compete with Wikipedia).

janus said...

mathworld seems to have disappeared from relevance, yes. i guess wolfram and his mathematica have bigger fish to fry.

to their credit, i like the animations in some of their entries, where polyhedra spin if you click on one ..