Thursday, April 05, 2007

a passerby encounter.

i saw one of my former students sitting in the undergraduate mathematics lounge on the second floor today, around the time that the weekly undergraduate mathematics talk would be starting. he was among a crowd of young-looking people, all facing the single blackboard in that room.

for the sake of self-delusion, i'm going to assume that he stuck around to hear the talk (which was about quaternions).

if anything, it makes me proud, because:
  1. maybe my teaching didn't harm him too much, and it added to his having an open mind to learn about quaternions;

  2. he's smart enough to earn an otherwise-free slice of pizza or two ..
    (or three, if he played his cards right)

    .. and having heard me drone on and on about calculus for four months of the fall, has learned to tolerate an hour's worth of spoken mathematics.
at any rate, good for him. q:


Unknown said...

Yeah, I get that warm fuzzy feeling each time I find out that my former calculus student switched into math (or at least picked up a math minor). :-)) Not that I had anything to do with it.

But your post also reminds me of my most awkward encounter of the week: running after a university bus while the bus driver was waiting for me. Which wouldn't be that awkward if I did not flunk the driver last semester...

janus said...

whoa. that's quite an awkward 'howdy.'

if it makes you feel better, someone told me once that 'we don't fail students; they fail themselves.' he was also a self-righteous sort of guy, but there might be some truth in it.