Tuesday, February 06, 2007

a book(?) on Banach spaces (w/ link).

there's a link from a recent post off the weblog "ars mathematica" to a 101-page manuscript by w. johnson and j. lindenstrauss.

title: "basic concepts in the geometry of banach spaces" [DVI file]

i've only thumbed through it and cannot say much .. except that the paragraphs are often long. if anyone has or intends to read it, i'm curious as what you think.


Unknown said...

This is neither a book nor a paper, but the first chapter of "Handbook of the geometry of Banach spaces". It's not the best source for those who want to learn this stuff, but very good for quick references. I mostly use sections 6-9.

janus said...

i knew it was a good idea to add the (?) in the subject line. thanks, L.

still .. the first chapter is 101 pages long? i guess they intend to be thorough. \:

Unknown said...

Yes, the handbook is in two volumes of about 1900 pages total. Its price in dollars is a somewhat smaller number.