Monday, January 08, 2007

one good thing about having a semester off, from teaching ..

.. is being able to work on mathematics, right now.

(see the timestamp on this post, for why)

mornings used to be productive, because they preceded the rest of the day (i.e. drudgery) and i would focus my most crucial energies towards creative ends.

now time is more flexible .. but i wonder when the novelty will wear off.


Anonymous said...

It's Drenilop. My experience with not teaching this year is the best way to keep the novelty from wearing off is to schedule a series of school things in the afternoons (and every once in a while in the mornings). Having other things to do will make you appreciate the research time you have.

janus said...

the best way to keep the novelty from wearing off is to schedule a series of school things in the afternoons (and every once in a while in the mornings).

i agree. happily (or unhappily), my one afternoon class (2pm) and many afternoon research seminars will probably fit the role you've described.

by far the best bit about a freer schedule, i think, is having flexible time for a little exercise. maybe it is the momentum of new year's, but so far it's done me good.

i will probably be a spoiled prima donna in the fall, for when i teach again .. \: