Thursday, November 29, 2007

endgame: time to write.

it's time. aside from a few last tasks with applications, i will start writing my thesis.

it's scary. i don't think i've ever followed through with writing anything of length; the joint paper about Grushin spaces doesn't count, because my co-author helped me tremendously.

i'm flying solo for this one, to some degree. the new adviser [1] will give his comments and suggestions and criticisms, but ultimately i have to write it.

oh well. it had to happen, at some point.

also, what i wrote before may be kaput (an earlier post); i have the feeling that there will be much reworking, as i write.

[1] it's strange to have a new adviser, if only because i'm afraid of replacing and forgetting about the first adviser. it's not disloyalty, but .. it makes me uneasy.

also, kevin: if you are reading this, i suppose in some sense we are brothers now, and xian qian is a little sister to us both.


Unknown said...

Concerning the applications: I just now noticed that the schools you apply to through can see the names of the files you uploaded with the application. Filenames such as generic_cover_letter.doc or teaching_crap.pdf are to be avoided.

Saara said...

Don't worry, you won't forget him. You just get two families now.

Did you know that we are distant relatives too? Although in Finland one isn't considered related to anybody until one defends.

Anyway, Nevanlinna is the great grandfather to me and the great great grandfather to you.

Also I've found the right answer to the question whether I'm related to a certain famous mathematician. He is actually my grandfathers brother. You're related to him too, he's your great grandfather.

janus said...

in regards to your comment, L: they can?!?

i was paranoid enough to have make cosmetic changes to each of my cover letters and have them all as separate files. who'd have thought that paranoia could serve a purpose?

janus said...

in regards to S's comment: i always did suspect that "lehto" couldn't have been a coincidence. q;