Sunday, December 11, 2005

quick post: a Mobius Band.

I've been in the office for most of the day, and fool that I was, I brought my laptop with me. As a result, I've been distracted by this Tangled 'Web and have gotten very little done .. and there is so much to do ..

Anyways, the little thing I discovered today: there is an electronica band out there called "Mobius Band."

I'm not kidding; someone took the pun to a new level! [2]

You can listen to a few of their songs via audio-stream on their myspace page. They're not bad, but no news yet about whether there's an umlaut (ö) on their spelling of "Mobius." q:

[1] Having hoped that I would write my entire talk for Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds class in one day, I've now cut my losses and am trying to finish two of five sections, and do the rest after I grade quizzes and team homeworks and when I get home.

Meanwhile, there's the problem of finding time to read about rectifiability of sets in Rn so that I can talk about them competently in 9 days' time (read: my prelim exam).

Then there is that last thing my advisor asked me to prove .. ): You'd figure I'd be smarter than this .. or at least more efficient with time.

[2] I haven't been this startled by a band name since someone told me about "Jedi Mind Tricks," which happens to be a hip-hop rap group!

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