Monday, August 09, 2010

first thoughts: chennai [from yesterday]

it's been 24 hours in india so far, and i feel like a guest. there was a man with a sign when i arrived into chennai airport, and when i got out of the car to the hotel, a bellhop(?) rushed and insisted that he carry it. after i finished registering at the front desk, another bellhop picked up my room key and passport, operated the elevator, opened the door to my room for me.

then both bellhops spent several long minutes explaining the amenities of the room [0], after which one turned on the television and switched to an english news channel, and then they left.

on the first leg of my travels [1], i discovered that
  1. below my seat was a power outlet;
  2. i forgot to sftp the most recent version [2] of the preprint onto my laptop.
so for a few hours i lateχed some thoughts i've been kicking around, regarding isoperimetric sets in grushιn-type spaces.

it was slightly productive, but i still wasn't happy. for some reason at the time, i really wanted to finish those edits.

[0] until that point, i think i had been traveling/in transit for 27+ straight hours.

[1] new york to bruxelles, which was 6+ hours: not painful. the second leg was 9+ hours -- bruxelles to chennai -- but at the time i was so tired that i slept through 1/2 of it, was drowsy for 1/4 of it, and among other things, started οrwell's hοmage to catalοnia in that remaining 1/4.

[2] that is, the one about degiοrgi classes and hölder continuity. ye gods, it should have been done 1-2 months ago .. \-:

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