a week ago, i tried to prove one particular fact,
but my argument was too weak. i needed a lemma.
some days ago, i worked out the lemma and obtained a proof.
yesterday i looked at the proof again.
adjusting it carefully, it gives a stronger result.
today i looked at the result. it's too strong.
i think i can find a counter-example ..
.. which means, of course, that the proof is wrong.
i'll let you know if the next proof is "just right."
in other news, today were my first lectures of the fall. i was pleased to find the classrooms easily enough.
you see, a year ago i couldn't remember the room number. so i guessed at random, found a classroom full of calculus students, and summarily began my lecture.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
not much to say, so i will plagiarise:
- there is a haiku by kobayashi issa which sums up how i feel about mathematics today:
- Napped half the day;
no one
punished me! - maybe tomorrow will be a more productive day.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
pedagogical thoughts.
- this term i'm teaching calcu1us 2. i thought myself ambitious when i thought to change the order of topics in the first week of lectures, from
- monday/wednesday: methods of integraτion (e.g. substitution, parts)
friday: numerical integraτion - to instead:
- monday: riεmann sums, numerical integraτion
wednesday/friday: methods of integraτion - as for my reasoning: upon completing a calc 1 course at this university, students are supposed to have learned about Riεmann sums and methods of integration.
even in the ideal situation, that they actually learned and understood these things at the time,- it's been 3-4 months of summer;
it can't hurt to remind them of what a riεmann sum is; - even if they took calc 1 as a summer course, they would have either learned it very briefly (6-week course) or hadn't seen the definition in some time (12-week course).
then again, i have my own prejudices: - it's been 3-4 months of summer;
- mathematics isn't just about manipulations of funny symbols. behind the notation are meaningful objects and ideas.
if we're going to talk about Rιemann integrals in this course, then i want a student to know what a Rιemann integral is.
as it happens: at an educational level, there are far more ambitious instructors than me.
it never occurred to me, but after reading this post from Learning Curves,- there isn't much to stop an instructor from teaching sequences, infinite series, and taylor series first, and then proceeding to integration and applications.
from my own experience, most students have trouble with series. it might be a good idea to cover it early, so that they have more time to digest the material .. maybe even get to know it well. - on the other hand, imagine this complaint:
- if you teach students about taylor expansions --
.. and let's face it, in calculus courses we only give students "calculator functions" that do have such series expansions ..
-- then the computation of any definite integral boils down to using the taylor series, integrating term by term, and using the fundamenτal theorem. [1] - so what would be the point of learning these methods of integration?
[1] admittedly, yes: switching the order of summation and integration requires some analysis, but it's not like we teach that kind of thing in calcu1us anyway.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
on mathematics blogs.
- i had started drafting this last week, probably as a reaction to j.baez's post about "what a mathematician should know about blogging."
this is what i concluded about my own writing on this blog.
after some thought, i realised something. this is not a mathematics blog. rather, this is a mathematical culture blog of a highly idiosyncratic nature.- in contrast, these are mathematical blogs, as popularised by t.tao.
- in contrast, these are mathematical blogs, as popularised by t.tao.
- interestingly enough, the associated wiki seems to be using the arXiv:math style of categorization. i suppose a blog now has to be something serious and have a specific topic.
maybe blogs are going the way of the webpage. they used to exist mostly for fun, but somehow transformed into a professional tool. as for where the fun can go, now .. - my purpose here is not to educate -- at least, not in the sense of writing a lecture and posting it in a mix of HTML and LaTeX.
- if i learn a cool theorem, i'll share it.
however, i'll also avoid the long expositions that are pages 1-4 of research papers or the first section of a textbook chapter. - you see, i like my job a lot. i voluntarily work most nights. i like maths ..
- .. but i don't want to read technical mathematics all the time. the idioms of "definition, lemma, proof, example, theorem .." makes for very good learning and research ..
.. but i have enough papers to read. - i'm not the sort of person who, returning home from work, runs a web search to look for more of this stuff. instead, i get to it tomorrow morning.
as for what this blog's purpose is, let's just say entertainment value, perhaps catharsis, too. - if my teaching goes oddly one day, at least you the reader can have a laugh about it, as long as i write well enough.
if my research isn't going well, then maybe you can relate. then again, it might make your workday look better in comparison. i don't mind.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
when misdirections go awry.
yesterday i had just run a race and was idling at the finish line, eating a bagel.
a young man, standing next to me, nods to me. i nod back. we get to talking, and he asks me what i do.
"i teach math," i replied. [1]
his friends also teach math. "which grade?" i ask. (they teach at a liberal arts college.) eventually i ask him what his job is.
"oh, i'm a physics postdoc at cmu."
i should have just said that i was a post-doc.
[1] which is true. most non-academics i've encountered do not know what a post-doc is, and "i'm a mathematician" conversations get a little boring after a while.
it's not unlike telling someone that i have 8 fingers. as it happens, i have as many as 10, but it remains true that i have 8.
a young man, standing next to me, nods to me. i nod back. we get to talking, and he asks me what i do.
"i teach math," i replied. [1]
his friends also teach math. "which grade?" i ask. (they teach at a liberal arts college.) eventually i ask him what his job is.
"oh, i'm a physics postdoc at cmu."
i should have just said that i was a post-doc.
[1] which is true. most non-academics i've encountered do not know what a post-doc is, and "i'm a mathematician" conversations get a little boring after a while.
it's not unlike telling someone that i have 8 fingers. as it happens, i have as many as 10, but it remains true that i have 8.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
an observation, another photo.
even in my handwritten notes,
i precede side comments and remarks with backslashes: //

this is slightly odd. even when i used to study computer science, i rarely added comments to my C code.
backslashes are typographically convenient, though.
if it is a long remark, one just extends the slashes. imagine, in contrast, how silly percent signs % would be! q-:
at some point i'll post about more substantial matters. there seem so many things to finish up, especially as fall semester draws near ..
i precede side comments and remarks with backslashes: //

this is slightly odd. even when i used to study computer science, i rarely added comments to my C code.
backslashes are typographically convenient, though.
if it is a long remark, one just extends the slashes. imagine, in contrast, how silly percent signs % would be! q-:
at some point i'll post about more substantial matters. there seem so many things to finish up, especially as fall semester draws near ..
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
photos: working from home.
the computer can wait.
coffee, thoughts, and paper, first.
"wait, what's Axiom II again?"
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
read, gap, compute, patch.
maybe the old saying is true:
nobody knows your own work better than you. [1]
3 days ago i found a gap in one of the proofs in my preprint. having sent it to friends, two weeks ago, nobody caught it either ..
.. and people wonder why i don't post to the arXiv. \:
to patch up the proof, i need one geometric lemma. it is literally a lemma from euclιdean geomeτry. after trying off and on for a few days, off and on, i still can't find a clean, simple proof.
so i've done what any sufficiently desperate mathematician would do: i started some explicit computations in trigonometry ..
.. which, yes, is embarrassing.
ah, well. at least it's true. then again, this is going to be a pain to put in LaTeX.
[1] this was told to me during a job application seminar when i was a graduate student. the point, i think, is to write a research statement that is not a technical mess to read.
nobody knows your own work better than you. [1]
3 days ago i found a gap in one of the proofs in my preprint. having sent it to friends, two weeks ago, nobody caught it either ..
.. and people wonder why i don't post to the arXiv. \:
to patch up the proof, i need one geometric lemma. it is literally a lemma from euclιdean geomeτry. after trying off and on for a few days, off and on, i still can't find a clean, simple proof.
so i've done what any sufficiently desperate mathematician would do: i started some explicit computations in trigonometry ..
.. which, yes, is embarrassing.
ah, well. at least it's true. then again, this is going to be a pain to put in LaTeX.
[1] this was told to me during a job application seminar when i was a graduate student. the point, i think, is to write a research statement that is not a technical mess to read.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
it wasn't me; it was the computer!
- yesterday i was editing a preprint, by hand first,
and when i arrived to the office at noon, by computer.
it was dark when i left, giving up. - i had planned to do more, like flesh out this one research idea on paper, read through a section of a particular reference, or even sort out the miscellany of my research into a reasonably organized plan, fit for an NSF grant application.
maybe it was ambitious of me. then again, i don't think complacent people get ahead in this business. - where did the time go?
the computer stole it all, i tell you.
there's something mesmerizing about a computer screen.
sometimes we reach a point, when working with computers, that we think in terms of computer tasks and no longer in terms of mathematics. for example, - one theorem starts on one page and ends in another.
can i format things to avoid this?
i can give this definition later, so that this section is more cohesive. but if i do that, then i have to change this theorem and that lemma .. - maybe i should limit my computer time, for work or otherwise. i used to do it with television, and that seemed to work.
maybe it's best to limit one's time in front of digital screens.
Sunday, August 09, 2009
when mathematical explanations go awry.
a week ago, an artist friend of mine asked me about my research. rather than give a lecture, i gave analogies of (very) special cases and minutely related (but concrete) examples. [1]
afterwards he was reminded of how parables are used in explaining religion.
admittedly, it wasn't the reaction i expected.
i don't know when it happened,
but somehow i lost the ability to give simple answers to questions.
[1] when explaining non-euclidean geometries, it seems easier to explain spherical geometry than hyperbolic geometry. everyone knows what a sphere is and how to imagine equatorial circles.
in contrast, i've never successfully explained the poincaré disc model to a non-techie.
afterwards he was reminded of how parables are used in explaining religion.
admittedly, it wasn't the reaction i expected.
i don't know when it happened,
but somehow i lost the ability to give simple answers to questions.
[1] when explaining non-euclidean geometries, it seems easier to explain spherical geometry than hyperbolic geometry. everyone knows what a sphere is and how to imagine equatorial circles.
in contrast, i've never successfully explained the poincaré disc model to a non-techie.
Friday, August 07, 2009
wikιs (of a barely mathematical nature).
- odd: i've visited mathscinet every day, this week.
- (in comparison, i visit the arχiv and wιkipedia abotu every other day.)
- speaking of wιkis,
- Edwιn Evarιste Moisε (pronounced /moʊˈiːz/; December 22, 1918 – December 18, 1998) was an American mathematician and mathematics education reformer. After his retirement from mathematics he became a literary critic of 19th century English poetry and had several notes published in that field.
- huh. a rather pleasant retirement ..!
as long as we're bringing up unexpected career pairings, - Hεdy Lamarr (November 9, 1914 – January 19, 2000) was an Austrian-born American actress and scientist. Though known primarily for her acting (she was a major MGM contract star), she also co-invented an early form of spread spectrum communications technology, a key to modern wireless communication.
- wow: beauty and brains. speaking of which, i recommend "H.M. Pu1ham, Esq." despite the dry title, it's a rather charming film.
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
suboptimal workplaces.
i knew i should have gone to the office today.
on most days, cafes are fine places to work. there is idle chatter, but nothing so distinct that you cannot tune out.
then there are those days, when ex-sorority sisters insist on sitting at the table next to yours, and complain, for over an hour and in valley-girl accents, about flipping real estate.
we academics keep offices for a reason, i suppose. \-:
on most days, cafes are fine places to work. there is idle chatter, but nothing so distinct that you cannot tune out.
then there are those days, when ex-sorority sisters insist on sitting at the table next to yours, and complain, for over an hour and in valley-girl accents, about flipping real estate.
we academics keep offices for a reason, i suppose. \-:
Saturday, August 01, 2009
- admittedly, i had planned to read this one book in order to find some new research ideas and problems, maybe learn a few general principles in the area. i didn't expect to encounter anything this explicit, though:
- "In any case, if the reader is looking for a transρort argument related to some geomεtric inequa1ity in Rn, I personally advise him or her to try the Knothε coup1ing first, and if this turns out to be insufficient because of some geometri¢ reason, to go on with the optima1 transρort."
from 0ptimal Transρort: Old and New, by C.Vi11ani. - in some semblance of celebrating the weekend, i decided to set aside my active research projects and read about oρtimal transρort again.
when i was a student, it seemed like i had all the time in the world to explore new ideas, to learn for the sake of learning. i could spend days browsing through a paper that sounded interesting but whose techniques i would never use again.
these days, the world expects me to actually know what i am doing and to accomplish something regularly. now i tend to watch the clock and calendar much more closely. now i try to be careful what i read.
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