Friday, July 11, 2008

technical difficulties; still blogging.

yesterday, my laptop wouldn't start. it would ask for my unlock password, then some cursor would appear on the upper-left corner of the screen, and windows xp wouldn't start.

.. and yes, i am one of those non-Mac powerbook owners;

i find that there's a lot more freeware and open-source software for windows than for macs because, simply put, there's a greater need for it.

today, my laptop would start ..

.. but only if i turned on the power button after removing-&-reinserting the laptop battery and keeping the power cord unattached.

i don't understand it either, but it works: prospero starts and windows starts loading.

however, i can't access any wireless network.

the icons for my wireless internet software all suggest that everything's fine, and there is plenty of wifi around. i tried the current and old versions of firefox, and even internet explorer.

nothing: no webpage loads.

i guess i'll troubleshoot it later; there's writing to do. interestingly enough, the afternoon has been very productive.

maybe i shouldn't troubleshoot it. q:

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