Sunday, April 15, 2007

a conversation, between nerds.

me: .. but what really convinces me to ride to whole foods is this.
[fishes out plastic container]

me: it's the only place around that i can get fresh squid.

[a little squid juice spills onto the table.]
[a few drips reach the carpet.]

me: crap!
[wipes droplets back on table]

me: we've got to clean this right away. it's going to smell terrible ..

luis: you know, there's not much.

me: but we should, anyway.
[rushes to the kitchen]

luis: there's not much, and the smell is nonlinear, you know.

me: [from the kitchen] no, but it is continuous!


Unknown said...

I read somewhere that vision and hearing are logarithmic (i.e. perceived intensity grows with the logarithm of amplitude) but I don't know about the sense of smell.

Anonymous said...

Actually, the smell of squid juices is an exponential function with respect to time. I approve of your good sense to clean it off the table as quickly as possible. :)
