Friday, March 09, 2007

fortune of fate.


had i decided this half-baked idea (which didn't prove what i wanted it to prove) wasn't worth mentioning, i would not have spent an hour (or so) today explaining it to the advisor ..

.. but then again, i wouldn't have learned that he thought it was a good idea, and still worth investigating.

then again, i wouldn't have another paper to read.
oh well. you can't win them all.

maybe this brain of mine is useful for something, after all.

there seem so many math things to do, as of late.
  • continue with thesis work (i.e. find a problem and solve it)

  • write up some work from a collaboration, and see if we can work out the last step,

  • write a talk for next week; absently i agreed to talk at student analysis seminar, but i can't remember the title that i absently told kevin.

  • revise a talk for a math grad conference @ syracuse (i.e. make it less quasi-)

  • write a paper which the syracuse talk will be based on (though i remain with misgivings about such a project)
work, work, work. older friends of mine tell me that grad student life is to be cherished, because the years afterward will only become busier.

i can believe that, but the problem is in appreciating it. if grad student life is this hard already, how does anyone survive their postdoc and pre-tenure years?!?


Unknown said...

You could look up the title of your talk on your department's bulletin. It says

Student Analysis Seminar --- Jasun (UM) Fractals and Function Theory --- 3866 EH Gong

I suppose it's a good thing that you are known as Jasun "Fractals and Function Theory" Gong.

janus said...

wow. i never had a middle name before. now i get four of them ..

.. well, if you don't count the "3866 EH" part.