Monday, August 28, 2006

oh great. fall term soon begins.

woefully unproductive: that's how the last few weeks have been. i've been stuck on this or that little lemma, and they are not terribly interesting. sometimes i feel like i merely play with numbers.

unsurprisingly and unfortunately, this unproductivity is my own fault; having promised too many people that i'd do too many things, there's little time (and peaceful time, at that) to do what i'm supposed to be doing:

mathematical research, and enough of it to make a thesis.

i'm also supposed to be teaching soon (after Labor Day), but that involves teaching calculus to children who look like fast-forwarded adults, and who don't care about calculus anyway. so that hardly counts.

too many seminars and talks to give, too many students already and more returning to town, and too much impatience on my part.


Anonymous said...

I don't know how fast-forwarded adults look like, but when I first met our Class of 2010 I thought that the university has opened a daycare. :-/

janus said...

maybe i meant "fast-forwarded adults who look like children," because to me, almost all the undergrads on the streets of ann arbor look like kids.

perhaps this is because they've come with their parents in tow. whenever i'm with my parents, i feel like i regress a decade's worth of age, myself.