Saturday, July 22, 2006

a work session, & titles/abstracts from the arXiv. [EDITED]

edit [25 july 2006]: the reason why the computation went so well is because i was stupid and made an integration error. sorry, folks.

maybe i'm a "one good work session a day" sort of guy.

during this morning's session at the coffeehouse, i ran a computation with a few simplifying assumptions and everything worked out well ..

.. but a little too well.

looking closely, the computation doesn't depend at all on the group structure, the underlying geometry, or even key properties of the function data. as a result, it can't possibly be right.

the principle at hand: never blindly compute. most nontrivial computations require some underlying reason or "leverage" for why they should work, whether geometric or function theoretic.

i can only assume that my simplifying assumptions were too strong. i should work without assumptions first, and work geometrically for this type of leverage .. that is, if there is any.

of course, the word to emphasize is "should."

the internet is too addictive, the office is too distractingly quiet, and i'm not sure whether i can accomplish good mathematics tonight; i don't work as well in the evenings as i used to .. \:

so before i leave the office and try a second session, i found a few interesting preprint titles and abstracts from the arXiv and the SNS @ Pisa website.
Harmonic Univalent Mappings and Linearly Connected Domains by M. Chuaqui and R. Hernández (5 pages)

apparently there is a way to detect the univalence of a harmonic mapping, by studying how its complex dilatation relates with the linear connectivity constant of its image set.

Graphs of W1,1-Maps with Values into S1: Relaxed Energies, Minimal Connections, and Lifting by M. Giaquinta and D. Mucci.

i wonder: why into the 1-circle?

The sharp quantitative Sobolev inequality for functions of bounded variation by N. Fusco, F. Maggi, and A. Pratelli.

abstract: The classical Sobolev embedding theorem of the space of functions of bounded variation BV(\Rn) into Ln¢(\Rn) is proved in a sharp quantitative form.

A Generalization of Reifenberg's Theorem in R3 by G. David, T. De Pauw, and T. Toro.

the last time i heard about a reifenberg condition was at a GFT talk this past fall, as an alternative possibility to whitney flat forms in testing for lipschitz parametrizations. the last citation i saw about it was dated from 1995, in a paper by t. toro.

perhaps the lipschitz condition is too much to ask for: in the abstract, the result of the authors is formulated with bi-hölder conditions, rather than bi-lipschitz conditions.

An Isoperimetric Inequality on the lp Balls by. S. Sodin

i can't resist hearing about isoperimetric inequalities. apparently the isoperimetric profile involves a logarithm, for when 1 < p < 2.


Anonymous said...

An integration error? Hmmm.... That means you and your calculus students have something in common. ;) (Sorry, a low blow. Shouldn't kick a man when he is down.) Happy computing.

janus said...

thanks. awfully kind of you to say, really. qx

then again, i suppose it could be worse. for example, had i not seen my error and walked to the advisor's office with the "proof" tomorrow afternoon ..

.. let's just say that i'd rather that not have happened. he's a forgiving sort, but i'm getting a little tired of sounding stupid in front of him. \: