Tuesday, March 31, 2009

the common experience of solitude, in the evening.

when i was a graduate student, i never minded late nights in the office. maybe it was because someone else was always in the department, working on something.

in this building and department, where i am a postdoc, the floor is rather silent. the hallway lights turn off automatically, after long periods without any detected motion.

it's kind of dreary..
.. but then i think about it a little:

i know that elsewhere, my friends and colleagues may still be in their offices, working further into the night, or if lucky or tired, readying to leave. i can't see them down this hallway, but they are working, too, in their own buildings.

that makes it less dreary -- knowing that out there, we are all working.

to come: thoughts about the conference, last weekend.

today: unadvice.

some weeks ago i agreed to participate in a postdoc panel and answer questions from graduate students about the job search. (it meets this afternoon.)

at the time i didn't really think about it.
now that i have, i can't think of much advice to give.

sure, i was hired as a postdoc,
so i must have done a few things right ..

.. or that i was extremely lucky;
i can't tell anymore.

at best, i can tell them what NOT to do when applying. with any luck, i won't say anything particularly stupid.

epilogue: the applied mathematicians did most of the talking. i think i ended up making a pleasant fool of myself.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

the good, the bad, and the ugly.

the good: this AM$ meeting is beginning to feel like a reunion of sorts. i get to see colleagues and grad school friends that i haven't seen in months, close to a year.

the bad: i wish i had more mathematics to talk about. there's nothing like hearing a host of talks and remembering how little you know, even in the area in which you claim to work.

then again, maybe i don't take enough chances. maybe i will strike up mathematical conversations tomorrow.

the ugly: tomorrow the first talk starts at 8:30am ... \-: fortunately, however, it's not my talk.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

another month, another mathematical expedition.

this weekend is an AM$ $ectiona1 meeting in Urb@na.

my talk is already written. i have a feeling already that it will be too long, so i've made a contigency plan:

short version: 12 slides
11, if you discount the title page;
10, if you throw away the first page of standard definitions;
12, if you count 2 technical slides, each of which will take twice as long as usual.

(no diagrams.)

long version: 16 slides
15, if title page-free;
13, if you don't count 2 pages of diagrams;
16, if you count 3 technical slides, where each counts twice for time.

as for scheduling, my talk is on the last day, in the final meeting of the session. there is an advantage in this:

previous talks will have discussed standard definitions and theorems a.s. [1], so i can go quickly when they appear in my slides.

on the other hand, this extra time will probably be canceled out. inevitably the meeting will start late ..

.. anyway.

on an unrelated note, this will be the 5th se¢tional meeting that i've attended, thus far.

[1] "almost surely."

Monday, March 23, 2009

the troubles of being a flatscan.

for those of you who don't read comic books,

kurt wagner is a fictional character from the x-men comic books, and appeared in the second film. his mutant power is teleportation.

jamie madrox is another, albeit minor, character from x-men. his mutant power is being able to make copies of himself.

trevor fitzroy is an x-men villain. as the nemesis of bish0p, his mutant power is actually time travel, though it requires that he sap other mutants of their energies.

any of those mutant powers would be rather useful, especially for me this week. i'm still looking for a teaching substitute for my friday lectures.

if i had such powers, then i wouldn't need a substitute.

i suppose te1epathy would also be a good mutant power for this .. but seriously, would you really want to read the minds of your students? (:

at this point, i would also settle for super-speed or a green lantern ring ..

Sunday, March 22, 2009

first regrets: about that article ..

i knew i'd have at least one regret after submitting that research article for publication. yesterday it occurred to me that the start of one sub-section is incredibly foolish.

the good part is that my lemmas and theorems remain true [1]; that's not the problem. in that part of the article, i am simply explaining motivations [2] and not proving anything.

on the other hand, i was discussing someone else's conjecture and the motivation i give is the wrong motivation. it's exactly the opposite reason that i gave.

oh well. the article's been submitted and it's not a good enough reason to retract it. maybe the referee will catch this and i can fix it during the revision/rejection process.

as a last resort, i suppose that i'll add a remark or lemma about it, in another paper.
[1] rather, i haven't found any errors yet.
[2] i.e. "why bother proving it?"

Thursday, March 19, 2009

frustrations (with slightly technical details)

again and again, double sequences have been troubling me. they recur when i try to prove a c0ntinuity result to a certain class of linear operators.

it's no good when your ε parameters depend on your j indices,
which in turn depend on your ε's again.

i have the feeling that i need an equic0ntinuity property, similar to what holds true for norm-bounded sets of norma1 and integra1 ¢urrents, in ge0metric me@sure the0ry.

such objects have good c0mpactness properties. as it happens, i have some need for certain limiting linear operators, which are like ¢urrents.

the problem is that my context is more general than that of f1at chains (of finite mass), and even there, notions of c0mpactness are rather difficult.

sure, some results are known, but they use a more complicated norm than "mass." this is the "flat n0rm" which, roughly speaking, measures the minimal filling volume of the ¢urrent.

(for more details, see fedεrer's book.)

also: i think i've been neglecting geometry. lately i've been working with singular measures and not using much more information than the null sets on which they are concentrated.

this is a bad idea, i think. i'm not accounting at all for the mass distribution, which is key to determining how measures behave!

in general, it's getting harder to look for the right kind of leverage.

some days i wonder whether i should stick to these sorts of problems, or if it would be wiser to start work somewhere else. it's getting close to a year since i've finished my thesis, and little progress has proceeded from there.

maybe i should learn some new tricks, before it's too late.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

(unexpected) confusion, while browsing a paper.

lately i haven't been sleeping well and my mind feels clouded.

earlier tonight i sat down and turned over a stapled set of pages. the title of the research paper was familiar, but i didn't remember why i was reading it.

i was halfway through the introduction, wondering why the printout was one-sided and why the last pages were missing. [1]

then i remembered:
i had meant to use it as scratch paper.

so .. yes,
not one of my better moments;
interesting paper, though.

[1] lists of references can be incredibly useful. they suggest the author's motivations. they are not unlike a prerequisites on a course syllabus, too: what one needs to know in order to understand the paper at hand.

not being a well-read mathematician, i always welcome any help i can get!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

formulae gone awry.

this semester i've been telling my 0DE students this: formulas will only help you when used in the right context.

a large number of them have been memorizing random formula and misusing them -- eg. computing the chara¢teristic polynomial when the 0DE does not have constant coefficients, etc.

the following excerpt brings this back into mind, which i read some weeks ago and saw again today on ars mathematica.

"They didn't know, or didn't ask. One reason was that the outputs came from "black b0x" computer models and were hard to subject to a commonsense smell test. Another was that the quants, who should have been more aware of the copu1a's weaknesses, weren't the ones making the big asset-allocation decisions. Their managers, who made the actual calls, lacked the math skills to understand what the models were doing or how they worked. They could, however, understand something as simple as a single correlation number. That was the problem."

"Recipe for Disaster: The Formula That Killed Wall Street"
By Felix Salmon, on 02.23.09

so i suppose some people will never lose their bad habits. granted, i'm not a finan¢e person and i don't fully understand the problems facing the u.s. economy now.

then again, all blogs are self-serving to their authors. i personally the world would be a better place if everyone knew a little mathematics.

Monday, March 16, 2009

a hopefully (auspicious) day.

happy sqrt(10) day, everyone.

in other news, i finally submitted my thesis article for publication.
let's see how long it takes them to get back to me.

if it gets rejected, then let's hope it's quick,
for a quick-turnaround.

Friday, March 13, 2009

the retrospectives of grading.

currently i'm in the middle of grading exams;

i have the feeling that either i am not a very good teacher, or that i should have postponed the exam after spring break. my best guess is that most of the students put 0DE on the backburner while completing assignments for other classes. from the appearance of their solutions, they didn't look ready on the day of the exam.

to their credit,

the students have good intuition about s1ope fie1ds.

some of them even know how to use nullc1ines to detect qua1itative properties of pha$e p1ane p0rtraits.

to their discredit, however,

other students cannot tell the difference between a nullc1ine and a ha1f-line so1uti0n, much less what a null¢line is supposed to tell you. i think i will have to re-lecture this.

also, a nontrivial number of students cannot solve a quadratic equation properly.

all of that said, after this semester i am not going to teach 0DE for a long time. this course is incredibly frustrating.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

the lifespan of work notes, on a plane.

currently i'm latexing work notes that i took during my arrival flight into the west coast, last friday.

six pages of handwritten text have become 1.5 pages of latex. at first i was dismayed by the difference in count. looking back at the handwrit notes, however,

page 1 contained a lemma that i proved before,
but at the time i couldn't remember why it was true;

page 2 contained an idea for a very general proof,
page 3 asserted my suspicions that something was wrong,
page 4 formulated my suspicions well, and i tried to construct a counterexample;

i had given up this endeavor up by page 5,
and proved a special case instead.

page 6 showed that the special case caught the critical elements of the idea: it sidesteps the potential counterexample and shows that the results i want(ed) actually fit in that special case.

on a slightly related note or two,

1. the first flight was actually quite enjoyable. the other people in my row were antisocial and i had the full 4-hour stretch to sort out ideas. the time was very apt; all that past week i was distracted by exam prep for my 0DE class -- which turned out to be fruitless -- and had no time for these side thoughts.

2. as for the work notes during yesterday's return flight, the thoughts aren't as good and they are not ready to be turned into latex. more on them later, perhaps.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

where there are books, i find maths books.

earlier in my holiday, i was in portland, or. in one of my last days, i learned that powell's has separate specialised bookstores.

when i went to "powell's technical books" and found three bookcases full of mathematical analysis books, it was like going to a candy store ..

.. an expensive candy store,
but you get the idea.

it was also like a mathematics library, except the books were for sale, at varying prices. i suppose many mathematicians rely on resources like these to build their own shelves of maths books.

if it weren't for dinner plans, i might have stayed around until the store closed,

browsing through first editions by ha1mos and carathéadory, comparing the dover edition of rie$z-sz.na9y's fun¢tional ana1ysis book with an original,

weighing various dilemmas -- is beard0n's a primer on riem@nn $urfaces worth $36, if i never have time to read it? --

searching for the elusive mea$ure the0ry and fine pr0perties of fun¢tions by evan$ and 9ariepy ..

but sometimes, holidays get in the way of mathematics. then again, they are supposed to interrupt, if only for a oft-forgotten but important time for rest.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

with holidays, math.

currently: i'm on holiday in portland, oregon. powell's books store matches the hype that i've heard: it reminds me of strand bookstore in nyc, except better lit and cleaner.

i cannot seem to escape math, however:

while sitting in the coffee room (where coffee is sold), across the table two students sit down and open up a pre-ca1culus book. one student starts to "tutor" the other about logarithms ..

.. not badly,
but not brilliantly, either;

it's not unlike hearing someone consistently mispronouncing basic vocabulary. eventually you "snap" and correct them, whether they like it or not.

this time around, it was a pleasant surprise for the students -- an "ohhh!" moment. knowing, however, that this would be short-lived (one of the students was a "tutor" after all; best not to steal her thunder) i politely excused myself and moved to another table.

Friday, March 06, 2009

i have the feeling that i gave my 0DE students a particularly hard exam. of 60-odd students, only a handful finished early:

one of them did not actually finish the exam. he handed the exam to me and said that he was withdrawing from the course. i wished him luck in his future endeavors; there wasn't much else i could say.

the others finished but a few minutes early. i suspect that they didn't finish everything either, but simply needed to get to another class (as the exam started late and would end in excess of the scheduled class time).

i guess i have to change my scale for measuring time. the plan was for a 50-minute exam; it took me 18 minutes to finish it.

oh well;
at least nobody started crying.

(for the record, students of mine have cried before,
but during an exam would have been a first ..
.. and an annoying first, at that!

Thursday, March 05, 2009

in which math is not unlike apple pie.

another week, no theorems proven.

american economy or not,
maybe i'll need that second postdoc after all.

this past week i read and thought about a topic that most people in my field know of and some who use the structure regularly: differentiabi1ity of real-va1ued 1ipschitz functions on certain metri¢ (me@sure) spaces, as discussed in the work of j. ¢heeger in his 1999 9af@ paper.

so i did learn a few things, despite my lack of productivity. one proof makes more sense: where the differentiabi1ity comes from. before, that has always been a mystery to me.

now, it's confusing but not mysterious.
to explain, there is a difference:

your grandmother's apple pie would be mysterious if there was a wonderful flavor unlike any other pie, and you couldn't figure out why. on the other hand, by acquiring a complete list of ingredients for the pie recipe, the mystery disappears. it turned out that the spices which escaped you were garam masala and cloves, and it is now possible to bake that pie.

however, you're still uncertain about how exactly to make the crust, whether one boils the apples first before baking the pie, and as a result, will your version of grandma's pie be just as tasty .. or even edible?

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

on "mathematical" holidays.

apparently there are hosts of mathematics-themed days. today i learned from the livejournal mathematics community that i missed out on international square root day.

more accurately, i missed one of this century's square root days. they didn't mean what i thought they meant.

[a link to a related article]

this causes increasing ridiculousness.

for example, march 16th is sqrt(10) day, in the same sense as how march 14 is "Pi Day" and february 78th (or april 12th) is "e Day." on the other hand, "Pi/2 Day" is january 57th (or february 26th).

at any rate, today shouldn't be some square root day. if mathematicians have any taste at all, today would be golden ratio day: up to rounding,

φ = [1 + sqrt(5)]/2 ~ 1.62

and this corresponds to january 62nd, or march 3rd.

Monday, March 02, 2009

weekend mεasure theοry. what then, when the luck runs out?

for me, this weekend ended today at 8:55am. setting aside a few loose pages of scratchwork, i packed my bookbag and left for work: a morning ΟDE lecture at 10am.

to explain, the weekends are the only times when i think about geοmetric measure theοry and related problems. during the workweek, it's teaching and sobοlev spaces on metrιc sρaces.

lately i've been rather unprolific, in either area. the more i think about it, the less i seem to know about them. sometimes i wonder how i ended up writing a thesis. i know that i came up with the ideas and all, but ..

.. i don't know where the ideas came from. maybe i could pinpoint them once, but not now.

one day they just appeared, like a cat on your porch that has never been there before but, all the same, expects a saucer of milk. not knowing what else to do, i fetched the milk and the maths cat stayed for a while.

it's an uneasy feeling, knowing that a stroke of luck earned you a doctorate, that having passed for a researcher, as a postdoc, you're now supposed to know how it's all done ..

.. or else, keep having prolific strokes of luck.

choosing words (un)wisely.

sometimes lecturing basic mathemati¢s courses feels like speaking with a limited vocabulary.

for the 1inear a1gebra course i am teaching, the textbook only deals with euc1idean spaces (which is fine) but refers only to subspa¢es. in that text, a subspac¢ of Rn is defined as a set of vect0rs which contain the zero vector and which are closed under sca1ar mu1tiplication and vect0r additi0n.

in other words, they mean a vect0r space. [1]

in retrospect, weeks and months ago i should have introduced the vect0r space terminology when we first encountered "subspa¢es." had i done that, i wouldn't have to spend lectures like today, reminding myself NOT to say "vect0r space."

e.g. "so remember that matrices ..

wait: don't say "form a vect0r space."
you'll confuse them.

..er, have vect0r operati0ns:
sca1ar multiplicati0n and entrywise additi0n .."

and so it went: frustrating. i should have mentioned it early on and saved myself the trouble ..

[1] albeit a finite-dimensional vect0r spa¢e embedded in a higher-dimensiona1 euc1idean space.